Rough Ruby Record Keepers

Rough Ruby Record Keepers

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Despite being primarily attuned to the root chakra at the base of our spine, ruby is known to be a powerful heart-opener, carrying the vibration of divine love and compassion. In a world where so many have closed their heart to love and succumbed to fear, the ruby is an even more potent ally than usual. It is time for the healers to turn inward, deeply connect to the frequency of love, and in turn, heal the world.

As a powerful root and heart activator, rubies have traditionally been used to revitalize what is referred to as life force energy, sparking passion and a sense of courage and adventurousness in those that tap into its frequency.

"It helps one perceive the spiritual energy that exists throughout the realm of matter, and offers lessons in mastering the transformation of thought and intent into physical manifestation," Naisha Ahsian writes in The Book of Stones. "It can help one feel more engaged in life and more loving toward one's physical body and human existence."

Once we feel grounded, secure, and safe, our connection to both the physical and spiritual world is strengthened. It also strikes a sense of enthusiastic curiosity. Ahsian recommends the affirmation, "I embrace my life with fierceness, passion and the courage to accomplish all that I will do."

So then, combining the properties of a classic ruby and what we know about record keepers, we are left with a stone that can not only ground us into the physical, but also provide a channel to the spiritual or astral realm, unlocking vast and expansive wisdom of all that ever was.

How to Use:

  • On Body Healing – this can be as simple as putting the stone on your bare skin, in your pocket, or wire-wrapping the stone to fashion it into jewelry. The idea is by having the stone in close proximity to your body, you will be affected by its energy field. This is a great way to get to know a stone, but it only scrapes the surface of connection, which brings me to the next point: meditation.
  • Meditation – with the stone in your hand, or placed appropriately on the body (for this stone, I would either place near the base of your spine, on your sternum, or on your third eye), clear your mind of unrelated thought and find your quiet. Allow any thought that pops up to pass by you like a train, instead of allowing it to consume your mind and take you away from your quiet place. Once you feel that true inner quiet, begin to examine how the stone is affecting your energy field. See if it has any messages for you.
  • Dreamwork – after following the instructions for the mediation portion, you can enhance your understanding of a stone by placing the stone in your pillowcase and setting the intention to connect with the energy in your dreamworld. If you are not familiar with lucid dreaming, this method may be a bit more challenging as it does require that you have the capacity to dream consciously.