Smoky Quartz Points
Metaphysical Properties:
Smoky Quartz is a protection stone that cleanses and clears negative energy. It is also a grounding stone that transmutes negative energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the practical world. It enhances organizational skills and is good to have around in the workplace or home office. Smoky Quartz is nature's stone of endurance. If you need a extra boost, carry a smoky quartz gemstone with you. It promotes: Personal pride and joy in living, Creativity in business, Opens the path for perception and learning
Healing properties of Smoky Quartz
Smoky Quartz is a grounding gemstone that connects you to the energy of the Earth. It helps you to keep both feet on the ground and remain balanced in any situation—especially if you are spacy and scattered often. stimulating and balancing all your chakras, specifically focusing on cleansing the 1st root chakra to ground you. It is very grounding in an uplifting way, and has a much more subtle energy than other grounding stones, such as Hematite.
Smoky Quartz relieves tension and stress, anxiety, or panic attacks; also to ward off negative thinking, and to eliminate worry and doubt when faced with chaos or confusion. To absorb misfortune, sorrow or seemingly impossible obstacles, hold faceted or natural points of Smoky Quartz in each hand pointed down toward the ground, then consciously release these negative energies to Mother Earth for cleansing and re-purposing.
Smoky Quartz links with the Earth stimulating concern for the environment and inspiring ecological solutions. Use its protective energies to block geopathic stress and absorb electromagnetic smog given off by power lines and electronics. It is invaluable in layouts for environmental healing, and assists elimination and detoxification on all levels, ushering in positive energy in its place.
An extraordinary amulet of protection, Smoky Quartz helps guard the home, vehicles and possessions against theft, damage and accidents caused by human error. Keep one in a purse, a bag in the glove box or near valuables, especially if left unattended for long periods of time. As a driving crystal, Smoky Quartz protects against road rage and other harm while driving on motorways, on long journeys or in heavy traffic by reducing stress and increasing concentration. It also shields against unexpected mechanical breakdowns.
Place Smoky Quartz in the home or work environment to filter out bad moods, unspoken resentments, or disparaging remarks that drain one’s strength and enthusiasm. To shield against hostility or gossip in the workplace, or a bullying boss or manager, set dark Smoky Quartz points outwards on your desk in a semi-circle to create a calm, safe area in which to work.
Wear or carry Smoky Quartz to enhance survival instincts, and for assistance in reaching personal and business goals, as well as manifesting dreams and ideas into reality. This crystal promotes rational, pragmatic thought processes and improves calculation and organization. It increases focus and may be used in group situations to alleviate communication difficulties and foster a spirit of cooperation.
Smoky Quartz is a remarkable aid for quitting smoking, gradually reducing the urge to smoke, as well as softening the anger and agitation associated with nicotine withdrawal and the detoxification process.
The Base, or Root Chakra, is located at the base of the spine, and controls the energy for kinesthetic feeling and movement. It is the foundation of physical and spiritual energy for the body. When physically out of balance the symptoms will manifest themselves as lethargy, low levels of activity, low enthusiasm, and a need for constant stimulation. When its spiritual energies are out of balance, you will feel flighty, disconnected from reality, and distant. When the Base Chakra is in balance, the physical body regains its strength and stamina, and the spiritual energy is rekindled in the form of security and sense of one’s own power. It often leads to independence and spontaneous leadership.