These tumbled Orbicular Jasper stones are simply fascinating to look at with their circular patterns and varied colors. Orbicular Jasper is a variety of Jasper that contains circular or orb-like inclusions of quartz or feldspar. Another name for Orbicular Jasper is Ocean Jasper, a type which is only found on the shores of Madagascar at low tide. It is also known as the Atlantis Stone.
Orbicular Jasper is a nurturing, protective stone, which can help encourage patience, release emotional blockages and rid us of pent-up anger.
It is a stone of joy and renewed enthusiasm for the cycles of life, especially when worn or placed over the Heart chakra.
Orbicular Jasper eases depression and encourages empathy towards others, while at the same time preventing rivalries.
When placed over the Solar Plexus chakra, this Jasper will help to remove chronic stress.
Physically, Orbicular Jasper is an excellent detoxifying stone. It helps the body assimilate nutrients from food and enhances the digestive system. Use Orbicular Jasper to alleviate inner-ear problems, thyroid disorders and, of course, ease seasickness.