Tumbled Pink Botswana Agate
Metaphysical Property:
Known to protect relationships, people and objects. It also opens both the Crown and Heart Chakras, connecting spirit and emotion. Is known for its remarkable grounding and stabilizing energies.
• Balances yin and yang energies
• Brings calmness, both of mind and emotions. Calm and relaxing vibrations of this stone help easing stress, improve sleep, and brings higher chakras into balance.
• Helps relieve distress when dealing with situations that seem beyond our control.
• Both powerful and gently protective.
• Assists in relieving distress when reacting to situations beyond ones control.
• Is said to strengthens bonds between parent and child.
• Was used by ancient warriors on their armor to give them strength in battle.
• Aids in keep you settled, calm, and grounded in a gentle way
Precious and Semi-precious gemstones have been used since recorded history and probably before, for spiritual, emotional, and physical healing. Healers all over the world are using them. It is not to be used as a prescription, diagnosis or treatment. The information given is purely metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Crystal Healing is not an independent therapy, but one that is part of a holistic healing approach. By using this site and associated materials, you acknowledge and agree that you personally assume responsibility for your use or misuse of this information.